LYRA 2022 @ Sodus Bay Yacht Club
Posted by Webmaster in Nov, 2021
The 136th Annual LYRA Regatta will be held at Sodus Bay YC from Monday July 25th – Sunday July 31st, 2022. This will represent the 11th time SBYC has hosted LYRA; SBYC hosted most recently in 2015, and LYRA regattas at Sodus Point date all the way back to 1894, the first time SBYC hosted. Sodus was teed up to host in 2017 when the event was cancelled due to high water. 2020 was chosen as the make-up year for SBYC – and we all know what 2020 was like! (LYRA sponsored some on-water activities in 2020 but no Annual Regatta was held). SBYC puts on a brilliant event. The town is jumping with activity, the conditions are always great and the regatta team friendly and professional.
Details, dates, NOR, SI and web links will follow on this page early in 2022, and on the SBYC Regatta home page
Did you know? LYRA is usually held around the same time every year. The anchor date to the LYRA event calendar is the August “Bank Holiday” AKA Civic Holiday in Canada. This holiday is always on the first Monday in August, so the actual dates of LYRA have moved around from year to year. But you can usually figure when LYRA ends (therefore figure out the Course Racing dates) by looking at the calendar and finding the first August Monday. The Annual Regatta always ends on the Sunday immediately before this August Civic Holiday Monday. In 2022 the Civic Holiday is August 1, so the last day of LYRA Course Racing will be July 31.
We hope to see competitive sailing return to something close to ‘normal’ in 2022, and looking ahead we are also thrilled to share that Kingston Yacht Club is pegged to host our 2023 event. 2024 may see the regatta return to the Greater Toronto Area, more news to come on that front in the near future.
Category: News