Posted by Chris Hogarth in Oct, 2024
Lake Yacht Racing Association and Sodus Bay Yacht Club
Sodus Bay Yacht Club
7431 Irwin Street, Sodus Point, NY 14555
Or Virtual Via Zoom
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Check in 10:30am
Zoom Meeting Check-In 10:50
Meeting starts 11:00am
Zoom Preregistration Link Click Here
The 2023 AGM is being prepared to make sure the meeting is as condensed as possible, while still providing all the items required by the by laws of the association. It is our intention to have the meeting completed between one and one and half hours.
LYRA AGM Delegates
Participants who sign up will receive an email from Zoom. This email will have a subject line LYRA 2024 Annual General Meeting Confirmation. Included in the email is a unique link to access the meeting. Save the email or paste it to your calendar to make sure it is handy for the event.
The 2024 AGM is being prepared to make sure the meeting is as accessible as possible using meeting technology we all have become familiar with over the years of the global pandemic
LYRA AGM Delegates
Member Clubs may have three voting delegates at the AGM.
Associate Member Clubs may have one voting delegate at the AGM.
Affiliate Members may have one voting delegate at the AGM.
Honorary Members including all Past Presidents shall be delegates-at-large at the AGM.
Proxies are not permitted. A voting delegate may represent only one organization at the Annual General Meeting. Although only official delegates may vote, other interested parties are encouraged to attend the meeting and participate in the discussions.