LYRA Bylaws and Policies
Revised – Annual General Meeting, 16 November 2019 – Incorporation of the association.
Association Waters are defined as those bodies of water where LYRA member clubs are located.
These include Lake Ontario, Eastern Lake Erie, the Upper St Lawrence River, and the Finger Lakes.
An Association Waters yacht club that applies for full membership in the Lake Yacht Racing Association, pays the appropriate dues, and is accepted by vote of the delegates at the next Lake Yacht Racing Association Annual Meeting.
An Association Waters yacht club that applies for associate membership in the Lake Yacht Racing Association, pays the appropriate dues, and is accepted by vote of the delegates at the next Lake Yacht Racing Association Annual Meeting.
An Association Waters organization that applies for affiliation with the Lake Yacht Racing Association, pays the appropriate dues, and is accepted by vote of the delegates at the next Lake Yacht Racing Association Annual Meeting.
Any person to whom such class of membership has been conferred by the Lake Yacht Racing Association Executive Committee, and all Past Presidents of the Lake Yacht Racing Association.
An accredited representative of a Member Club, Associate Member Club, or Affiliate, with voting privileges at any general meeting of the Lake Yacht Racing Association.
7.0 LYRA
The abbreviation for Lake Yacht Racing Association.∴ ∴
1.0 NAME
The name of the Association shall be “Lake Yacht Racing Association”.
The objective of the Association shall be
2.1 To serve and represent yachting interests on Association Waters.
2.2 To encourage the sport and art of sailing and sportsmanship among sailors, both at the junior and senior levels.
2.3 To contribute good will between Canada and the United States.
2.4 To encourage participation activities of national and regional sailing authorities of both Canada and the United States
2.5 To support the interests of member clubs through delegate representation.
Membership shall consist of four classes, as follows:
3.1 Member Clubs
Open to all active Yacht Clubs on Association Waters. Member Clubs may have three voting delegates at the Annual General Meeting.
3.2 Associate Member Clubs
Open to all active Yacht Clubs on Association Waters. Member Clubs may have one voting delegate at the Annual General Meeting.
3.3 Affiliate Members
Open to fleet associations and organizations within Association Waters. Affiliates may have one voting delegate at the Annual General Meeting.
3.4 Honorary Members
The Executive Committee may confer Honorary Membership on anyone the Association wishes to honour. Past Presidents shall be Honorary Members for life and shall be delegates-at-large at the Annual General Meeting.
Applications for membership must be approved by a majority of the delegates at the Annual General Meeting.
Each official delegate attending the Annual General Meeting shall be allowed one vote. Proxies are not permitted. A person may represent only one organization at the Annual General Meeting.
Each Delegate must furnish credentials, signed by an officer of the member organization they represent before the meeting. Although only official delegates may vote, other interested parties are encouraged to attend the meeting and participate in the discussions.
5.1 The powers of the Association shall be vested in and administered by an Executive Committee consisting of the following officers:
- Honorary President (most recent President)
- President
- Vice Presidents (a maximum of four)
- Secretary
- Treasurer
5.2 Additionally, the Executive Committee shall include a maximum of four Directors, as appointed by the President. All Directors shall have voting privileges at Executive Meetings.
5.3 Preferably, Executive Committee members shall be chosen to provide representation to all geographic areas within Association Waters.
5.4 All attempts shall be made to divide the membership on the Executive Committee equally between Canada and the United States.
5.5 A simple majority of officers and directors shall constitute a quorum at any Executive meeting.
6.1 To meet the objectives of the Association, to the best of the Committee’s abilities.
6.2 To interpret the Bylaws and establish rules and regulations, as may be appropriate.
6.3 To manage the affairs of the Association in a prudent and responsible manner.
6.4 To establish the Annual Regatta Host Club Agreements and approve entry fees.
6.5 To assure the continued welfare and activity of the Association.
7.1 All officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting.
7.2 Any vacancies occurring between Annual General Meetings shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee.
7.3 All officers shall be elected for a one-year term, but may serve for more than one term.
8.1 Nominating Committee
8.1.1. The Nomination Committee shall consist of six persons, one Past President, the Vice President Racing, the Secretary, one current Director, and two club delegates who will be solicited by the Chair of the Nominating Committee.
8.1.2 The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall be designated by the current President.
8.1.3 The Nominating Committee shall contain representation from both sides of the border.
8.1.4 Preferably, nominations for the position of President shall alternate between the United States and Canada
8.1.5 The Nominating Committee shall announce its selections to Executive Committee members by September 30th. In the event of a tie vote, the current President shall break the tie.
8.2 Nominations may be received from Member or Associate Member Clubs, provided that
8.2.1 The nomination is made in writing to the Secretary by September 15th
8.2.2 The nomination is seconded by at least three members of the appropriate Member or Associate Member Clubs
8.2.3 The nomination is accompanied by the nominee’s written agreement to serve, if elected.
8.2.4 To this purpose, Member and Associate Member clubs shall be contacted by the Secretary, in writing and no later than August 1st, to solicit possible nominations.
8.2.5 The Nominating Committee shall announce its selections to Executive Committee members by September 30th.
9.1 The Honorary President shall act in an advisory capacity of the other officers.
9.2 The President shall preside at all meetings, shall rule on procedures and shall appoint Directors as necessary to meet the objectives of the Association and shall report at the Annual General Meeting.
9.3 The Vice Presidents shall assist the President in carrying out his/her duties and shall officiate at meetings in the absence of the President, the Vice President with the longest term in office being senior.
9.4 The Secretary shall keep minutes at Executive Meetings and Nominations Committee Meetings; maintain and update databases of Association members as well as annual regatta participants, and distribute information to members.
9.5 The Treasurer shall keep accurate and up to date financial records of the Association, handle the disbursement of funds, be the custodian of investments, report on these at the Annual General Meeting and prepare and distribute financial reports, as required.
10.1 There shall be an Annual General Meeting in November of each year. The location of the meeting shall be determined by the President, preferably at a place readily accessible to all members. Written notice of meeting shall be sent to all members of the Association by October 15th. The order of business of the Annual General Meeting shall include the following:
Call to order
Introduction of Executive Committee members
Roll Call and Self-Introduction of Attendees
Reading and Approval of the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
President’s Report
Other Officers’ Reports
Directors’ Reports
Immediate Past Host Club Report
Immediate Future Host Club Report
Future Regatta Locations
Member Club Reports
Other Business
Election of Officers
10.2 The Annual General Meeting shall be conducted in accordance with “Roberts Rules of Order”.
11.1 The dues to be paid by each class of member shall be fixed by the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the delegates at the Annual General Meeting.
11.2 Only members current in their dues shall be eligible to send voting delegates to the Annual Meeting.
11.3 Any member in arrears for a period of three years and three months shall be expelled by the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Delegates at the Annual General Meeting.
The bylaw may be amended only at an Annual General Meeting, provided notice of said proposed changes or amendments is sent to all members with the notice of the Annual General Meeting, and provided a minimum of two thirds of the delegates present at the meeting are in favour of each amendment.
1.1 Annual General Meeting Expenses
At the discretion and pre-approval of the LYRA President, LYRA shall reimburse out-of town Executive Officers and Directors for reasonable overnight accommodation to attend the pre-AGM Executive Meeting and the Annual General Meeting. Additionally, LYRA shall pay for the Executive members’ dinners, excluding alcohol, preceding the pre-AGM Executive meeting, the evening prior to the Annual General Meeting.
1.2 Other Expenses
All Executive Officers and Directors may be reimbursed, upon submission of appropriate receipts to the Treasurer, for out of pocket expenses not already included in the budget of the portfolio. These expenses may include copying, postage, long distance charges, office supplies. With the pre-approval of the President, appointed LYRA representatives may also submit invoices and be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses when officially representing LYRA at meetings of outside organizations, such as US Sailing regional meetings.
LYRA may, if deemed appropriate and with the support of the Executive Committee, consider and approve reimbursement of entry fees, in full or part, to LYRA finalists or qualifying contestants representing LYRA in USSA or YRUGL competitions.