LAKE YACHT RACING ASSOCIATION Lake Ontario Racing events calendar, primarily for keelboat events, also to include major dinghy and youth events. Introduced in 2023, we will endeavor to make this the “go to” calendar for finding and planning yacht racing events in your area and beyond, throughout the racing season, both for Canadian and USA racers.

To add your event, make suggestions or corrections, please email

Selectable categories. See Legend bottom of page for Category descriptions.

As of 2.13.23 many events not yet listed – but will begin to populate soon.

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2023 Melges 24 North Americans

September 15, 2023 - September 17, 2023


September 15, 2023
September 17, 2023
Event Categories:


National Yacht Club
1 Stadium Road
Toronto, ON M5V 3H4
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

AHMEN: Sailing events in the AHMEN Series

GTA: Any keelboat racing events hosted by clubs in Greater Toronto Area but open to non-member competitors.

LOOR: Sailing events in the Lake Ontario Offshore Racing series. Includes the Lake Ontario 300, Susan Hood Trophy Race and and Lake Ontario Shorthanded Racing Series (LOSHRS)

ANNUAL REGATTA: Sailing events as part of and associated with the LYRA Annual Regatta.

MEMBER EVENTS: Sailing events hosted by LYRA member clubs, but open to competitors from other clubs. For example the ABYC Open, Bronte Rocks or the RCYC Royal Weekend. To add your event please email

NORTH SHORE: Keelboat sailing events hosted by clubs on the North Shore (Canadian Side) of Lake Ontario

ONE DESIGN: One Design keelboat sailing events. For example Shark 24 Fleet, Etchells, J105, 8mR etc. Not for OD dinghy events

SHORTHANDED/DISTANCE: Keelboat sailing events on Lake Ontario optionally, primarily or exclusively for Shorthanded crews on Long Distance or Coastal courses

SOUTH SHORE: Keelboat sailing events hosted by clubs on the South Shore (US Side) of Lake Ontario